Pushing Through Doubt When Writing A Book
There are as many thoughts on writing, as many as there are books, on how the craft should be conducted. From published professionals to novice dabblers in the fictitious arts, many people have ideas on what the best way to write is, and for a lot of established writers there is no right way. There are just ways that work best for them. Indeed, writing is an individual pursuit, like running, but it does require that we all put one foot in front of the other and press on.
However, there is one area where writers, both pros and wannabes, can agree and that is there is oftentimes doubt when beginning or during the writing process. Many men and women have doubted their work, wondered if it would be good enough, or if they had talent. They’ve asked themselves if what they are creating is something people will even want to read.

It’s often advised that a writer create something they enjoy first but even this can be difficult. Despite putting down a story on page that you like, there is a gnawing in the back of a lot of writers’ minds as to whether anyone will like what they’re saying or if criticism will be heaped upon their work.
Yet, established writers often give the same advice on writing, despite having differences on ideas of when and how to write. Most will tell you to simply keep going. This, for most things, writing included is great advice because of its simplicity. There is nothing to do for doubt except to keep on working and getting down what you want to put on paper.
Also, being diligent and consistent is vital to shaking off these doubts because the more
we are immersed in a story, the closer we stay to it, the better we can understand it, the better we can write and edit it, and in turn, when we have a better hold on our work, it can breed confidence.
Sadly, there is nothing magical about pushing through doubt when it comes to writing. You just have to keep going, but that consistency (writing daily or as frequently as you possibly can), that stick-to-it-ness, and the work ethic required to just get it done to the absolute best of your ability will keep you pressing on when you may feel you’re not doing something worthwhile and you’ll find that your writing will benefit from this a great deal because you’re learning how to write your story, and in that, doubt can’t survive.