Looking Back on 2019 National Library Week
We just completed National Library Week and the theme surrounded the idea that a library creates a strong community. This is one of the main reasons libraries are so very important to our towns and communities because they are a way to bring together people, be they in a small town or a large city. Here in North Carolina, we have plenty of both, with cities like Charlotte, Asheville, Raleigh, and Greensboro playing host to large numbers of people and small towns in our beautiful state seems to be innumerable.
So, with this being the case bringing together people from a crowded city or pulling people in from more rural areas is something a library can do in a variety of ways. The American Library Association says, “Library programs are designed to encourage community members to meet and discuss civic issues, work together using new technologies like 3D printing or learn alongside one another in English language or technology classes. Library staff also partner with other civic and service organizations to actively engage the people they serve, always striving to make sure their community’s needs are being met.”
This is so very true but the library is also a resource for learning via reading, programs, or events and a library can also play host to countless community opportunities too. Some people just want access to novels while others rely on classes to teach them skills, like English as a second language, so they might better live and work in their community.
People make up a library though. Books, programs, resources, or what have you are all great, but there is no way these things can be accomplished without the people working and volunteering at the library. Despite National Library Week coming to an end, take time to thank you local librarians and volunteers throughout the year.
Learn about National Library Week here: http://www.ala.org/conferencesevents/celebrationweeks/natlibraryweek