
Are Libraries Still Important?

Late last year it was reported that the sale of hard copy books was on the rise but there is still a massive amount of the population who prefer eReaders and electronic books.  Yet, there is still a place where both groups can come together: The library. Obviously, libraries have long been used for books, newspapers, academic papers, and research materials but there are numerous libraries across the country that allow for the borrowing of ebooks.  Apps like Libby are used for borrowing ebooks, some people use their Kindle or Nook, others may get ebooks straight to their laptop or tablet, but public libraries are a phenomenal (and free) source for great reads in a variety of formats.

While library use is waning in some areas, other cities see consistent usage and even growth because libraries often go well beyond lending out the latest James Patterson or Brandon Sanderson or Malcolm Gladwell…or whomever might scratch your reading itch.  Some people are actually unaware of resources many libraries offer and overlook their importance but it’s vital for any community, and our society at large, that libraries be kept available and these resources are plentiful.

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Providing quiet reading and work spaces are commonly known perks of your local library but there are resources like classes/learning opportunities, events for children and parents, books sales, local author readings, and internet/computer availability.  Some higher-tech libraries even offer access to things like 3D printers, legal document reviews, job placement assistance, and other types of support that go well beyond checking out a novel.

Libraries provide a service, like schools provide an educated society, but despite the library being a free and open resource, it goes overlooked by many.  Can I challenge you to seek out your local library this week and make it a habit to support and patronize this resource that’s there solely for the benefit of its surrounding community and citizens.

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